Myriad Engineering – Essential work and back to a full team.

We thought we’d give you a quick update on how we got on in Level 4 Lockdown, the things we have learnt and the changes we put in place for the move to Level 3.
Becoming an essential service
During the first week of full lockdown, we had a few requests for the supply of parts to support the transport industry. Supplying essential services like transport made us an essential service too, and these orders were easily completed and delivered.

More jobs start coming in
Continuing to communicate with our customers was important. Once customers were aware we were available to do essential work, we received five further requests from businesses working in both the agriculture and transport industries, as well as a medical supply company.
After sorting out and receiving all the paperwork and documentation necessary to validate the essential work, we were then able to order material from our suppliers. We managed to get all the work completed and this involved calling in a total of five staff at different times over the last two weeks of Level 4.
Customers have been very appreciative of our efforts and assistance in completing and delivering this work.
Working in Level 4
All of the organisation, planning and coordination required for the jobs completed during Level 4 was completed remotely by three of our team who have continued to work from home. Twelve months ago we shifted our IT platform fully to the ‘cloud’ so the infrastructure to be able to work remotely was already in place.
We set up documented processes for staff to follow while at work and each staff member read and signed this agreement. This was then added to and extended for the return of the full team with Level 3.

Space to work safely in Level 3
We currently have split start times for staff and that flows through the day with tea breaks, lunch and finish times all staggered. This approach really helps to maintain social distancing at times when the team would normally be together.
Other changes to daily routines have also be made. At the start of the day, one of the team opens up the factory and opens the main roller door so that staff can access the factory without touching doors etc. Being in a large factory, the two metre separation isn’t an issue and when they need to communicate they are maintaining this distance to preserve their ‘bubble’.
What we have learnt
Some learnings from our partial operation during Level 4 Lockdown, and our recent full return to work include:
- Documentation of all processes e.g. passwords to access freight pickups!
- Documentation and agreement of safe working practices
- Importance of keeping staff engaged and informed as much as possible on impacts on the business and what we were doing to manage challenges. (Zoom & Microsoft Teams used for this as well as emails and messenger)
- Documentation and accreditation numbers needed to access material supplies and supply to relevant staff
- Importance of testing of offsite access and use of IT systems.