Residential Structural Steel Beams

We can cut and weld structural steel beams and columns for residential construction.

At its heart Myriad is an engineering company, and although we supply a lot of high precision laser cutting, folding, turning and milling, we pride ourselves on also providing high quality cutting, welding and fabrication of structural steel for use in residential buildings.

Whether you need a H beam I beam or an SHS or RHS beam, we’ve got you covered.
We have the facilities and the experience to precisely cut your steel beams or columns to size. Then we weld together any sections of more complex designs.

The beams are cut to size and any bolt holes or slots that are needed are drilled or milled in the beams themselves if required. Most beams will need some fabricating, for example strengthening plates or beams themselves being welded together. The last stage in the process is finishing or painting. The type of paint that you require will depend on where you are building, and where in your designs the beams are to be used.

For steel beams, columns or frames that are going to be hidden inside your build, zinc rich primer may be all that you need.

Structural steel that is being installed outside or will be exposed internally as an architectural feature can be finished with powder coating, galvanising, or primer and topcoat paint.

Steelwork that is going to be visible can also be produced to an upgrade spec, where cut edges and welds are much neater and cleaner. Structural strength is no different, but the beams, columns or frames are much nicer to look at, and less “industrial”.

Get in touch with us today.